Plate AL 1122092

USDOT 652947

Below you will find all available information for vehicles with license plate number 1122092 from AL, as well as links to any associated DOT registration information, if applicable.

Additional information may be available for this plate, click HERE to check for updates.

656256420 - Inspection Report Number TEQO000200
Product Image Product Image

Inspection conducted on 2021-06-15 in TN on a FRHT TRUCK TRACTOR from AL with plate number 1122092 (VIN: 3ALXFB00XHDHK1784) and a UTIL SEMI-TRAILER from AL with plate number A138918 (VIN: 1UYVS2538L7078912). The DOT number upon inspection was 652947.
No violations were discovered.

Driver OOS Count Vehicle OOS Count Hazmat Sent Hazmat Placard Required Hazmat OOS Count OOS Total
0 0 0UNKNOWN0 0
Unsafe Fatigued Fitness Substance/Alcohol Maintenance Hazardous Materials
No Violation
No Violation
No Violation
No Violation
No Violation
Not Performed
652198149 - Inspection Report Number TEXW000110
Product Image Product Image

Inspection conducted on 2021-04-21 in TN on a FRHT TRUCK TRACTOR from AL with plate number 1122092 (VIN: 3ALXFB00XHDHK1784) and a UNK SEMI-TRAILER from AL with plate number A143695 (VIN: 1UYVS2534J7184108). The DOT number upon inspection was 652947.
No violations were discovered.

Driver OOS Count Vehicle OOS Count Hazmat Sent Hazmat Placard Required Hazmat OOS Count OOS Total
0 0 0UNKNOWN0 0
Unsafe Fatigued Fitness Substance/Alcohol Maintenance Hazardous Materials
No Violation
No Violation
No Violation
No Violation
No Violation
Not Performed
643321251 - Inspection Report Number 6315002359
Product Image Product Image

Inspection conducted on 2020-12-11 in IN on a FRHT TRUCK TRACTOR from AL with plate number 1122092 (VIN: 3ALXFB00XHDHK1784) and a UTIL SEMI-TRAILER from AL with plate number A143650 (VIN: 1UYVS2532EG927404). The DOT number upon inspection was 652947.
1 Violation(s) were discovered.

Driver OOS Count Vehicle OOS Count Hazmat Sent Hazmat Placard Required Hazmat OOS Count OOS Total
0 0 0UNKNOWN0 0
Unsafe Fatigued Fitness Substance/Alcohol Maintenance Hazardous Materials
1 Violation(s)
No Violation
No Violation
No Violation
Not PerformedNot Performed

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