Plate WA 62026RP

USDOT 51115

Below you will find all available information for vehicles with license plate number 62026RP from WA, as well as links to any associated DOT registration information, if applicable.

Additional information may be available for this plate, click HERE to check for updates.

732394980 - Inspection Report Number AADD000895
Product Image

Inspection conducted on 2024-04-16 in OR on a STRG TRUCK TRACTOR from WA with plate number 62026RP (VIN: 2FZHAZAS63AK67014). The DOT number upon inspection was 51115.
5 Violation(s) were discovered.

Driver OOS Count Vehicle OOS Count Hazmat Sent Hazmat Placard Required Hazmat OOS Count OOS Total
0 2 0UNKNOWN0 2
Unsafe Fatigued Fitness Substance/Alcohol Maintenance Hazardous Materials
No Violation
No Violation
No Violation
No Violation
5 Violation(s)
Not Performed
685705815 - Inspection Report Number W339000387
Product Image Product Image

Inspection conducted on 2022-07-28 in WA on a STRG TRUCK TRACTOR from WA with plate number 62026RP (VIN: 2FZHAZAS63AK67014) and a TRLR SEMI-TRAILER from WA with plate number 72995AA (VIN: 1P9MP1421WM299018). The DOT number upon inspection was 51115.
1 Violation(s) were discovered.

Driver OOS Count Vehicle OOS Count Hazmat Sent Hazmat Placard Required Hazmat OOS Count OOS Total
0 0 0UNKNOWN0 0
Unsafe Fatigued Fitness Substance/Alcohol Maintenance Hazardous Materials
1 Violation(s)
No Violation
No Violation
No Violation
Not PerformedNot Performed
666351054 - Inspection Report Number B305000078
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Inspection conducted on 2021-10-27 in WA on a STRG TRUCK TRACTOR from WA with plate number 62026RP (VIN: 2FZHAZAS63AK67014) and a GDAN SEMI-TRAILER from WA with plate number 3569XD (VIN: 1G9CH14251S139148). The DOT number upon inspection was 51115.
3 Violation(s) were discovered.

Driver OOS Count Vehicle OOS Count Hazmat Sent Hazmat Placard Required Hazmat OOS Count OOS Total
0 1 0UNKNOWN0 1
Unsafe Fatigued Fitness Substance/Alcohol Maintenance Hazardous Materials
1 Violation(s)
No Violation
No Violation
No Violation
2 Violation(s)
Not Performed
661928688 - Inspection Report Number A300000025
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Inspection conducted on 2021-08-27 in WA on a STRG STRAIGHT TRUCK from WA with plate number 62026RP (VIN: 2FZHAZAS63AK67014) and a GRLK SEMI-TRAILER from WA with plate number 3596XD (VIN: 1G9CH14251S139148). The DOT number upon inspection was 51115.
5 Violation(s) were discovered.

Driver OOS Count Vehicle OOS Count Hazmat Sent Hazmat Placard Required Hazmat OOS Count OOS Total
0 1 0UNKNOWN0 1
Unsafe Fatigued Fitness Substance/Alcohol Maintenance Hazardous Materials
No Violation
No Violation
No Violation
No Violation
5 Violation(s)
Not Performed
655626033 - Inspection Report Number W314002327
Product Image Product Image

Inspection conducted on 2021-06-03 in WA on a STRG STRAIGHT TRUCK from WA with plate number 62026RP (VIN: 2FZHAZAS63AK67014) and a GREAT FULL TRAILER from WA with plate number 3596XD (VIN: 1G9CH14251S139148). The DOT number upon inspection was 51115.
6 Violation(s) were discovered.

Driver OOS Count Vehicle OOS Count Hazmat Sent Hazmat Placard Required Hazmat OOS Count OOS Total
0 3 0UNKNOWN0 3
Unsafe Fatigued Fitness Substance/Alcohol Maintenance Hazardous Materials
No Violation
No Violation
1 Violation(s)
No Violation
5 Violation(s)
Not Performed
653472675 - Inspection Report Number W331001754
Product Image

Inspection conducted on 2021-05-06 in WA on a STRG STRAIGHT TRUCK from WA with plate number 62026RP (VIN: 2FZHAZAS63AK67014). The DOT number upon inspection was 51115.
2 Violation(s) were discovered.

Driver OOS Count Vehicle OOS Count Hazmat Sent Hazmat Placard Required Hazmat OOS Count OOS Total
0 0 0UNKNOWN0 0
Unsafe Fatigued Fitness Substance/Alcohol Maintenance Hazardous Materials
No Violation
No Violation
No Violation
No Violation
2 Violation(s)
Not Performed
641370465 - Inspection Report Number W335000480
Product Image

Inspection conducted on 2020-11-10 in WA on a TRUK STRAIGHT TRUCK from WA with plate number 62026RP (VIN: 2FZHAZAS63AK67014). The DOT number upon inspection was 51115.
1 Violation(s) were discovered.

Driver OOS Count Vehicle OOS Count Hazmat Sent Hazmat Placard Required Hazmat OOS Count OOS Total
0 0 0UNKNOWN0 0
Unsafe Fatigued Fitness Substance/Alcohol Maintenance Hazardous Materials
No Violation
No Violation
No Violation
No Violation
1 Violation(s)
Not Performed
624977982 - Inspection Report Number W328000450
Product Image Product Image

Inspection conducted on 2020-02-17 in WA on a STRG STRAIGHT TRUCK from WA with plate number 62026RP (VIN: 2FZHAZAS63AK67014) and a GDAN FULL TRAILER from WA with plate number 3596XD (VIN: 1G9CH14251S139148). The DOT number upon inspection was 51115.
3 Violation(s) were discovered.

Driver OOS Count Vehicle OOS Count Hazmat Sent Hazmat Placard Required Hazmat OOS Count OOS Total
0 1 0UNKNOWN0 1
Unsafe Fatigued Fitness Substance/Alcohol Maintenance Hazardous Materials
No Violation
No Violation
No Violation
No Violation
3 Violation(s)
Not Performed

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