US DOT 3791288

Larry Rains

L Train Towing

Below you will find all of the available information on DOT number 3791288 and its associated business, Larry Rains.

Larry Rains is Allowed to operate and is reporting 6 driver(s) and 3 power unit(s)

This data is current as of 2022-01-04T15:26:22.611+0000, click HERE to check for updates.

Public NameLegal NamePhone NumberEmail
L Train TowingLarry Rains(931) 267-4257📧 [email protected]
MC/MX/FF NumberEIN NumberLocation
MC-1360951 874204244125 Misty Ln Jamestown, Tn 38556, Us

Most Recent Inspections on Larry Rains Vehicles

Date Inspected In State - Plate Secondary Plate Violations
2023-05-17 IN TN - H515169TN - 266962T1 Violation(s)
2022-10-04 TN TN - H515169NoneNo violations

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