

DTC B3924, sometimes indicated as B392400 is an OBD diagnostic trouble code indicating a manufacturer-specific fault with the vehicle body.

    DTC Trouble Code Search

    Bulletins are notices put out by manufacturers in conjunction with the NHTSA to notify the public of manufacturing issues or changes.

      CHEVROLET: This service bulletin provides repair information to correct a customer concern of no crank, no start, quick start/stall, no fob detected, key fobs inoperative, B3924 00, B3925 00, B3926 00, B3927 00, B3928 00 set.
    • 23-NA-163 - EQUIPMENT
      CHEVROLET: This technical bulletin provides repair information to correct a customer concern of no crank, no start, quick start/stall, no fob detected, key fobs inoperative, B3924 00, B3925 00, B3926 00, B3927 00, B3928 00 set.
    Previous Code: B3923 | Next Code: B3925