
Service Bulletin Details

Public Details for: SSM73948

Issue: customers may report that the stop start function is intermittently not working for long periods of time during a drive cycle.

- 2018 - 2017 - 2016 -

Models from 2016
SSM73948 - D7a - 18MY onwards - Stop Start function - Intermittent operation | TOPIx
F-PACE / X761
XE / X760
XF / X260
D7a - 18MY onwards - Stop Start function - Intermittent operation
Last modified
09-Jul-2018 00:00:00
203000 Basic Electrical
Customers may report that the Stop Start function is intermittently not
working for long periods of time during a drive cycle.
There are many reasons that the Stop Start function will inhibit
operation during periods of a drive cycle. These include, but are not
limited to, electrical draw loads placed on the system as a result
of temperature, HEVAC operation, Steering Wheel input and
Electrical Accessory functions operating. These inhibit parameters are
software functionality performance aids to ensure that the battery
health remains in optimum condition. The inhibit function is used to
estimate the cold cranking VSOF (Voltage State of Function) to
ensure that the vehicle can execute a full Stop/Start sequence when
In the event of a customer report of intermittent operation of
Stop/Start system please follow the instructions detailed. Use
approved diagnostics to assess the Stop Start Health. It is imperative
that technicians use the Stop Start Health application on Pathfinder to
determine the inhibitor of the system. If Estimate cold cranking
voltage at present state of charge (VSOF - Voltage State of Function)
is not the only inhibit code stored, diagnose the other inhibit states in
isolation of this SSM. If this is the only inhibit code, follow the below:
Connect the JLR approved battery support unit.
1. Connect the JLR approved diagnostic equipment to the vehicle
and begin a new session.
2. Select ECU Diagnostic.
3. Select Gate Way Module (GWM).
SSM73948 - D7a - 18MY onwards - Stop Start function - Intermittent operation | TOPIx
4. Select Update ECU.
5. Follow all on screen instructions to complete the task.
6. If required, reset the vehicle to ‘Transportation mode’.
7. When all of the tasks are complete, exit the session.
8. Disconnect the JLR approved diagnostic equipment and the JLR
approved battery support unit.
9. Lock the vehicle and wait until the hazard light illumination is out.
10. Unlock the vehicle.
11. Connect the JLR approved battery support unit.
12. Connect the JLR approved diagnostic equipment to the vehicle
and begin a new session.
13. Open up Stop Start health application and check the VSOF Voltage State of Function inhibit has changed.
PLEASE NOTE:- This is only applicable to vehicles 18MY onwards
Technicians - Please rate this SSM and provide comments so that
future communications can be improved.
1 = Poor – Basic information provided – The SSM does not help me
resolve the customer concern.
3 = Average – Adequate information provided – The SSM partially
helps me resolve the customer concern.
5 = Excellent – All required information provided to resolve the
customer concern.

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